Section: New Software and Platforms


Expressive is a new C++ library created in 2013 for gathering and sharing the models and algorithms developed within the ERC Expressive project. It enables us to make our latest research results on new creative tools - such as high level models with intuitive, sketching or sculpting interfaces - soon available to the rest of the group and easily usable for our collaborators, such as Evelyne Hubert (Inria, Galaad) or Loic Barthe (IRIT, Toulouse). The most advanced part is a new version of Convol, a library dedicated to implicit modeling, with a main focus on integral surfaces along skeletons. Convol incorporates all the necessary material for constructive implicit modeling, a variety of blending operators and several methods for tessellating an implicit surface into a mesh, and for refining it in highly curved regions. The creation of new solid geometry can be performed by direct manipulation of skeletal primitives or through sketch-based modeling and multi-touch deformations.

  • Participants: Marie Paule Cani, Antoine Begault, Even Entem, Thomas Delame, Ulysse Vimont

  • Contact: Marie Paule Cani